Status indication when choosing image folder and waiting for it to open

  •  12-07-2005, 8:35 AM

    Status indication when choosing image folder and waiting for it to open

    would it be possible to include a status indication when choosing an image folder in the "Insert image" dialog window. If the image folder contains many images, the time from choosing the folder till the folder is opened can be quite long, and there is no indication that there is progress, which in have resulted in-experienced users to click again or to click on the tick-off field.
    (if the time for opening the image folder can be shortened, it would of course also be welcome).
    We are using the editor as part of our CMS system, which we use in a newspaper system. Therefore the number of images is high, and there are several writers with different skill levels.

    Another request
    Could you include the constrain proportions functionality in the "Properties" dialog window in the same way as it is in the "Insert image" dialog window in a future build ?

    Best regards
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