Re: Database Error : System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: SQL Server does not exist or access denied

  •  07-28-2004, 9:47 AM

    Re: Database Error : System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: SQL Server does not exist or access denied

    Hi Rgain :

    Your connection string is :
    Is the MSDESQL the name of your pc ? or it's just an instance of SqlServer on your pc?
    If so , the connection string should be :
    and the provider 'Sample' should be :
    <provider name="Sample" sqlDataProviderType="CuteChatSample.MySqlDataProvider,CuteChatSample" />
    (The CuteChatSample.MySqlDataProvider is an buildin class for the sample , please see CuteChatSample/MySqlDataProvider.cs for more)
    You could run [START]-[Program]-[CuteChat]-[CuteChat Configuration] to help you create a new sample application too.
    Hope this helps.
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