Wouldn't it be nice if Adam answered my post...

  •  12-02-2005, 5:41 PM

    Wouldn't it be nice if Adam answered my post...

    Hi There,
    You have a great product here!

    I m using the Classic ASP version 4.2 of the editor and when I have a table in the editor and click the save icon all the dashed lines that you can see in the editor view get carried over into the source code. This holds true on the demos on your site as well. Is there a way to workaround this?

    Everytime I  build a nicely formatted page in html on my PC and then my client goes and updates it on a MAC it draws those funny dashed lines around the table.

    Does this happen to anyone else, is there a simple solution or does this get addressed in version 5.0

    Please Respond-
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