Re: ok, i'm now going crazy ... "the area you are attempting to access is forbidden" error

  •  12-02-2005, 2:12 PM

    Re: ok, i'm now going crazy ... "the area you are attempting to access is forbidden" error

    I put the editor calls all in an include file, just my preference, and make changing the site easier when you update. That said, this configuration will work. The hilighted areas should fix your problem.
    Set editor = New CuteEditor
    editor.ID = "Editor1"
    editor.Text = content
    editor.DisableAutoFormatting = true
    editor.EditorOnPaste = "ConfirmWord"  
    editor.FilesPath = "/editor/CuteEditor_Files"
    if Subsequent=true then  editor.Subsequent=true          
    editor.ID = "Editor1"
    editor.AllowPasteHtml = true
    editor.FilesPath = "/editor/CuteEditor_Files"
    editor.ImageGalleryPath = "/user_upload/images"
    editor.DocumentPath = "/user_upload/documents"
    editor.FlashPath = "/user_upload/images"
    editor.MediaPath = "/user_upload/images"
    editor.MaxImageSize = 100
    editor.AutoConfigure = "EnableAll"
    editor.BreakElement= "p"
    editor.DisableItemList="Links, Codes, Images"
    editor.StylesDropDownWidth = "200"
    editor.StyleDropDownMenuNames = sdd       
    editor.StyleDropDownMenuList  = sdd
    editor.Width = "100%"
    editor.EditorBodyStyle = "table { font:normal 11px arial; }"
    editor.EditorWysiwygModeCss = "/editor/CuteEditor_Files/gfeditorcss.css" & GFCMS_PB_PageCSSEditor 
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