Re: Toolbar and DropDowns aren't aligned in FireFox

  •  11-30-2005, 4:46 PM

    Re: Toolbar and DropDowns aren't aligned in FireFox

    This doesn't make a bit of sence to me...but....I fixed the problem:
    First I deleted all references to my style sheets ( problem still there )
    Then I deleted every single tag around the <CE:Editor /> ( problem still there )
    So now I'm down to nothing but the CE Editor, but the page is using a MasterPage so I deleted everything in my master page (problem still there).
    I swear there was only one line left in my entire master page:
    (<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "">)
    So I deleted that and it worked ?!?!
    I replaced everything back to normal (when it didn't work) then took out the DOCTYPE and everything works.
    I hope this helps someone else, it was driving me crazy.
    Very interesting....any thoughts.
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