Image URL/Upload Question

  •  07-24-2004, 4:51 PM

    Image URL/Upload Question

    Is there a way to specify an image upload directory that is outside the application directory?  Is there a way to specify the url for the image.  I have a situation where many different people with different domains login and edit html pages on different sites.  The Cute Editor is located in the common application directory, but I want the images to be uploaded and viewed in the individual  domains.  All the domains are on the same server, but I can't seem to specify a directory outside of the common area.  I would also need to specify the url before the image.  Would any of this be possible?

    Maybe an example would also help:
    The application where the Cute Editor is located is like
    The image location where I want to upload would be like:
    Then the image url would only need to be:
    I would specify at runtime the image location directory.
    Thanks for any help you can provide.
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