Web Messenger Send File Option Not Showing

  •  11-12-2005, 7:06 AM

    Web Messenger Send File Option Not Showing

    I have some problems with the messenger here is the list!
    1. I have purchased the cute web messenger only license only but there is no way i can download it seperately I have to download it with the chat and I dont have its license.
    2. The send file option is not showing in the web messenger chat window
    3. When I invite someone and the scenario becomes like 3 persons are chatting it open a chat room and again prompts for choose a nick name . Also right now I am evaluating the product but i think for this option a license for the chat will also be required in which case i dont have the license so is there a way to disable the invite option incase i need the chat license.
    4. I am running the community server1.1 the webmessenger keeps logging off after sometime itself and then it logs itself back again! This happens when the user is connected and is not having any conversation with anyone.
    I hope you reply to my query as soon as possible as I need to deploy my final website in 3 days.
    Waiting for your positive reply
    Khurram Sherpao
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