Adding a custom label to the toolbar and focus stealing problem

  •  11-03-2005, 9:34 AM

    Adding a custom label to the toolbar and focus stealing problem

    Hi Adam :
    We have the requirement of adding custom label to the toolbar. The intention is to show the character count in the toolbar. The following are the changes I did but it didn't seem to work and render the label on runtime. We are using version 5.0. We have a custom config file like this:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
      <!--<item name="Editing" value="True"/>
      <item name="Format" value="True"/>
      <item name="Insert" value="True"/>
      <item name="InsertAdvanced" value="True"/>
      <item name="InsertFiles" value="True"/>
      <item name="InsertForms" value="True"/>
      <item name="Relative" value="True"/>
      <item name="Tags" value="True"/>
      <item name="Verbs" value="True"/>-->
      <item type="g_start" />
      <item type="image" name="Cut" />
      <item type="image" name="Copy" />
      <item type="image" name="Paste" />
      <item type="image" name="PasteText" />
      <item type="image" name="PasteWord" />
      <item type="image" name="Delete" />
      <item type="separator" />
      <item type="image" name="Find" />
      <item type="separator" />
      <item type="image" name="Undo" />
      <item type="image" name="Redo" />
      <item type="separator" />
      <item type="image" name="Bold" />
      <item type="image" name="Italic" />
      <item type="image" name="Underline" imagename="under" />
      <item type="separator" />
      <item type="forecolor" />
      <item type="backcolor" />
      <item type="separator" />
      <item type="holder" name="MyHolderName" />
      <item type="g_end" />
    Server side code:

    Label B1 = new Label();



    I cannot see the PlaceHolder nor the label being generated. What can be done to fix this?? I even want to set the id of the control in this case 'B1' on server side so on client side I can change the text of the control.
    Another issue is that cuteeditor does not steal focus from the page - that problem was resolved in v 5.0 but we still find that problem in this that version- when loading aspx page with cuteEditor in multiple iframes the scroll bar keeps jumping around, do you have any fix for this.
    Thanks in advance,
    Don P.
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