AllowPasteHTML Has No Effect?

  •  07-09-2004, 9:07 PM

    AllowPasteHTML Has No Effect?

    I'm evaluating a number of CuteEditor configurations and have discovered that the AllowPasteHTML property setting seems to have no effect. Perhaps my expectations are incorrect. What I did was create a simple table in Notepad, then, copied and pasted it into the CEditor. I can paste into both the normal view and the HTML view. Of course pasting into the HTML view results in a table appering in the normal and preview modes, and pasting into the normal view results in the actual html text that comprises table (rather than a table appearing). These result is the same regardless of the setting of AllowPasteHTML. I was expecting the editor to somehow disallow the pasting of HTML (into at least some view) when AllowPasteHTML=false;

    Can someone explain what the effect of AllowPasteHTML is supposed to be?
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