Re: RenderControl does not conform standard

  •  10-26-2005, 4:01 PM

    Re: RenderControl does not conform standard

    My client want's to integrate the editor in his backoffice.
    The backoffice is a generic piece of code that reads the table structures of a database and generates update,create & delete forms.
    I have to replace the textarea's with the editor.
    So I have to cut in where this generic piece of code decides to ouput the texterea and make it an editor instead.
    The code builds a long string of input elements and I have to append the editor as pure html
    The page doesn't use a <form runat=server> either. It's a simple <form>

    If I could use the RenderControl Method it would open up this editor for me in other projects too... and I love the what I have seen until now so please support it. I have already bought it for my client and I want to use it in other projects too.
    Table manipulation realy stands out if you compare it with other editors.

    Could you maybe provide me with a workaround for the moment? I tried to save the generated html and put it into string.
    But than I noticed you scramble the ouput of the editor a bit and expect the editor to present the data. I was hoping I could just use request["var"]. But this is all very hacky and not a good solution.

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