Re: Upload folder paths problem

  •  10-12-2005, 5:24 AM

    Re: Upload folder paths problem

    Hey, I've been searching what was causing this problem...
    ... and I found why !
    In the browse_media.asp page, there is a check for the allowed mediafiles... AGAIN !? 
    Only avi, asf, wav, mpeg3 and mpeg are allowed there !!!???
    Why do you do all that strange stuff in the CE code ??? 
    You allow to specify the allowed extensions on the one page (filepost.asp), but you keep blocking them on another !?

    Our client is actually threatening us with a lawsuit because of your errors !

    You know, when we buy a component advertised as "the most powerful online web based WYSIWYG HTML editor." and "CuteEditor toolbar is totally configurable and it is also effortless to implement.", we were actually kinda thinking that was true !
    It is not my job to debug your components you know, I really don't have the time for that.

    My excuses if I sound harsh, but it almost looks like you are selling a beta status product to me.
    I'm definitely not complaining about the editor functionality itself, that is working great, but all these uploading problems are too much.

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