HTMLEncode problems on null values...

  •  10-11-2005, 6:08 AM

    HTMLEncode problems on null values...


    I've seen other postings on this error but not official solution to it yet.... When reading information from a memo field from MS Access or a text field from MS SQL and the field is null, then I'm getting the following HTMLEncode error.

    Error Type:
    Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A000D)
    Type mismatch: 'HTMLEncode'
    /CuteEditor/CuteEditor_Files/include_CuteEditor.asp, line 891

    As I mentioned, I've seen errors on this before... and there have been various ideas - one was just to remove the HTMLEncode from around s_text and then you don't get the Encode problem - but what effect does that have on the editor - I assume the code is there for a reason.

    Appologies if anotehr solution has been posted and I haven't found it yet... and thanks in advance for the response...
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