Double Customer Buttons by using AutoEventWireup="true"

  •  07-01-2004, 1:21 PM

    Double Customer Buttons by using AutoEventWireup="true"


    I use AutoEventWireup="true" in my Page.
    Also I add the following code in Page_Load():

    System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image Image1 = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image ();

    Image1.ToolTip = "Exit Editor";

    Image1.ImageUrl = HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath +"/images/save.gif";

    Image1.CssClass = "button";

    Image1.Attributes.Add("onclick","location='" + Request.Params["file"] + "'");


    I see my customer Button twice. If I set AutoEventWireup="false"  the it's ok.
    I need AutoEventWireup="true" for Customer Error Pages.
    Regards Marc
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