Embedding javascript documents

  •  10-04-2005, 4:25 PM

    Embedding javascript documents

    I am encoutering a problem with the editor when trying to embed javascript within my tags.
    Such as when I want to use the onmouseover and onmouseout events of images and links.  Way back in Version 3.0 this they worked ok, but now these scripts are automatically removed by the CuteEditor!  Why is this??
    For example:
    Try inserting the following tags by hand into the HTML view:
    <p><a href="/" target="_blank">Javascript Test!</a></p>
    now add the following BLOCKED SCRIPT
    <p><a onmouseover="BLOCKED SCRIPT alert('Go to CuteSoft!')" href="/" target="_blank">Javascript Test!</a></p>
    If you go driectly to the Preview screen its works.  BUT if you switch back and forth between the Normal view and the HTML view that onmouseover event gets removed.
    This is the same behaviour when saving and loading the generated HTML to and from a database.
    Why does the editor not allow me to have my own javascript calls??
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