Inserting new rows/columns doesn't show the dotted lines

  •  09-29-2005, 4:50 PM

    Inserting new rows/columns doesn't show the dotted lines

    I'm using CuteEditor for ASP v4.2
    I was wondering if there is a way to have the dotted lines the represent the editor in the Normal view show up when adding a new row or column.  For example, if I have a table with 3 columns, and I add a new row, the columns are there physically, but not visually.  The only way I can get them to show up is if I click over to another view (like HTML) then click back to Normal view.
    After adding a new row:
    When I click to the HTML view, I see that the 3 columns were actually added:


    Then when I click back to Normal view, the lines are there:
    Is there any way to have these lines show up immediately upon adding the new row/column?
    Thank you,
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