Table Properties not retaining values

  •  09-28-2005, 4:37 PM

    Table Properties not retaining values

    I have this in another post, but I thought it should have its own.
    The values in the Table Properties are not getting retained.  For example, if I create a table with a certain Width and Height, then I double-click the table to revisit the properties, the values are not what I changed them to, but rather they are back to the default values.
    I'm looking around, and it seems that there is a problem with this code:
      var arg=top.dialogArguments;
      var element=arg.element;


     function Submit(){
    That is in Insert_Table.asp.  Even after I've created a table, the variable "element" remains null.  It never gets into those if statements, so it always does the the else cases, which isn't right if the table already exists.
    This problem with not retaining values seems to occur on as well.
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