Re: Possible to Customize CE's Image Processing

  •  12-03-2003, 9:37 PM

    Re: Possible to Customize CE's Image Processing

    Hi Lantz,

    A feature I would like is to be able to restrict the image browser to a defined folder! 

    Below is the script we suggest our clients used.

    1. Each single person can have his/her own folder. when the first hit comes to the page, CuteEditor control will check for the needed folder, and as it won't be there, it will create the folder.

    void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
          string visitor_name = Context.User.Identity;    //get the personname

           Editor1.ImageGalleryPath = "/upload/" + visitor_name ;

    2. Each access level can have its own folder.

    void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
       AccessLevel accesslevel = ...//get from somewhere

      Editor1.ImageGalleryPath = "/upload/" + accesslevel.ToString();


    I hope it helps.

    Image manipulation/control is very important issue for the end users and developers. If you use the version 2.0, you will find that we add a new insert image button.

    We also plan to post a code example in a few days to show the developers how to handle the images when they store the image's URL in the database.

    I agree Chris got a good point.

    There are two situations we should handle in the next version:

    1. end users upload the large file size

    2. end users upload the large screen size

    The CuteEditor control should have the ability to compress and resize the image into a web-friendly JPEG. That will make the developers job much easier.

    Welcome any input.


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