Fontsize adjust question

  •  06-23-2004, 4:32 AM

    Fontsize adjust question

    I was wondering if I can change the fontsize behind the numbers in the dropdownsection.
    I found out that I want a fontsize that's between size 1 and 2 generated by the tool.
    Seems like size 1 = 7,5pt and size 2 = 10pt, I want a 8pt.
    Only when I look at the code the only numbers I find are 1-7,

    'A list of numbers for the font size dropdownlist.

    editor.FontSizesList = "1,2,3,4,5,7"

    I suppose it's a different standard from the "pt" or "px" as used in stylesheets.
    My question is are these figures variabeles to be defined elsewhere or a hard HTML/ASP-standard.
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