Re: Can i able to create custom buttons with 1 to N numbers? based upon database table record count

  •  09-15-2005, 8:56 PM

    Re: Can i able to create custom buttons with 1 to N numbers? based upon database table record count

    The Given examples shows me to create custom button in tool bar etc..

    but my question is can i create 5 or 6 buttons at a time,  i mean when my page loading time can i able to create 5 custom buttons based on the database table's record count?

    i mean if i give 1 to 5 in for loop, how can i create 5 buttons at toolbar?

    where can i pass my total value and how can i generate in the page load time itself to create number of custom buttons?

    please give coding idea... i want some coding for this

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