DNN 3.1.1, Cute Editor 5 - Setting the EditorBodyStyle property in Web.config

  •  09-12-2005, 1:09 PM

    DNN 3.1.1, Cute Editor 5 - Setting the EditorBodyStyle property in Web.config

    Ok, I'm using the latest version of DotNetNuke and the latest version of Cute Editor.
    My skin for DotNetNuke has a black background, and whenever I go to edit the text in a Text/HTML module, the cute editor Normal tab also has the black background (as expected), therefore I can't read a bloody thing I'm typing!
    So I thought I'd change the EditorBodyStyle property in the Web.config file to point to another .css file.  But it ain't working :(
    I copied the example.css file that comes with the Cute editor download into my ~DotNetNuke/Portals/_default/Skins/SKINNAME/ directory, and set the EditorBodyStyle property to the following:

    Why doesn't this work?  I've also tried:


    and many other combinations... what am I doing wrong???!!
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