Getting logged out

  •  09-10-2005, 1:59 PM

    Getting logged out

    my company is currently evaluating different HTML editors for DotNetNuke, hence I'm now trying CuteEditor, and I've downloaded the pack (using a trial licence, I suppose). The editor's great and all, but I'm experiencing problems with the Insert Image dialog (and the other insert dialogs as well).
    What happens is: when logged in as any user (except superusers, they aren't affected by this problem for some reason), clicking the Insert Image button takes you to the root directory of the dotnetnuke portal (eg "portals/4/"). No matter whether you actually insert an image, or click cancel, once you "cancel" or "update" the Html-module, you'll be taken to the Log in-page, indicating that you've somehow been logged out.

    My questions are, how do I solve this problem, and how do I configure the editor to take the users directly to their image dirs (eg "portals/4/Admin"), instead of the portal root?

    Oh, almost forgot to tell you, this only happens in Child portals for some reason. You can check it out here: Log in as "admin" with the pwd "admin". You can do anything to this portal, its just there for trying things out.


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