Re: What version of cute editor for ASP ?

  •  09-04-2005, 4:39 PM

    Re: What version of cute editor for ASP ?

    That's really odd!

    I've spent some time analyzing what CE does and what happens.
    So "Wahr" is the value passed as an argument to the image upload module.

    Appearently ASP interpreter on IIS installed in German even translates boolean values...

    To make it worse, there seems an error in the way the ASP interpreter handles it.

    See the following code:

    t = true
    response.write "<a href=""anything.asp?booleanArg=" & t & """>anything</a>"
    <a href="anything.asp?booleanArg=<% =t %>">anything</a>

    produces the following inconsistent code:

    <a href="anything.asp?booleanArg=Wahr">anything</a>
    <a href="anything.asp?booleanArg=True">anything</a>

    (see it live at

    Looking inside the code of Cute Editor I find it amazing that still so much works properly - the boolean argument passing seems to be used at numerous places.

    I have no clue what language parameters can be set at what place. Furthermore I'm only a customer of an ISP and have no contol over that server.

    Your help and tips are still very much appreciated!


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