I am trying to use System.Web.HttpContext in CuteWebUI.UploaderProvider but session comes back null. How can I get session to not be null

Last post 02-17-2009, 7:28 AM by terry.weiss. 7 replies.
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  •  02-11-2009, 10:31 AM 48615

    I am trying to use System.Web.HttpContext in CuteWebUI.UploaderProvider but session comes back null. How can I get session to not be null

    I am trying to use System.Web.HttpContext in CuteWebUI.UploaderProvider but session comes back null. How can I get session to not be null?
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  •  02-11-2009, 8:39 PM 48649 in reply to 48615

    Re: I am trying to use System.Web.HttpContext in CuteWebUI.UploaderProvider but session comes back null. How can I get session to not be null

    the UploadModule process the upload request on ASP.NET BeginRequest event.
    So the ASP.NET Session is not prepaired yet.
    I suggest you do not determine the user relative data while the UploaderProvider just only want to save the file to a temporary place.
  •  02-13-2009, 12:58 PM 48758 in reply to 48649

    Re: I am trying to use System.Web.HttpContext in CuteWebUI.UploaderProvider but session comes back null. How can I get session to not be null

    This answer doesn't seem to make sense. If you stream the file to the database, putting it in a file system first doesn't make any sense, is wasteful, and is a security hole because through the process of uploading, you have no access to user context so there is no way to authorize the request. The GetData method has all the other information we need, except Session which severely limits the usefullnes. We could cache that information, but that can be costly on a high traffic system and is pretty pointless considering that data already exists in session.
  •  02-13-2009, 7:15 PM 48779 in reply to 48758

    Re: I am trying to use System.Web.HttpContext in CuteWebUI.UploaderProvider but session comes back null. How can I get session to not be null

    Thanks for you advise.
    I think we can add new mode for that condition and handle the request in another ASP.NET pipeline event which the Session is ready.
    We will implement that today.
  •  02-15-2009, 10:01 AM 48809 in reply to 48779

    Re: I am trying to use System.Web.HttpContext in CuteWebUI.UploaderProvider but session comes back null. How can I get session to not be null

    Thanks. That is awesome news! Let me know when it is posted.
  •  02-16-2009, 12:01 PM 48869 in reply to 48809

    Re: I am trying to use System.Web.HttpContext in CuteWebUI.UploaderProvider but session comes back null. How can I get session to not be null

    We have added new configuration for this issue, and will release the new uploader today.
  •  02-16-2009, 10:26 PM 48893 in reply to 48869

    Re: I am trying to use System.Web.HttpContext in CuteWebUI.UploaderProvider but session comes back null. How can I get session to not be null

    Please download the control again.
    We have add new configuration appSettings: (It's not compatible with ASP.NET1.1 currently)
    <add key="CuteWebUI.AjaxUploader.AllowSession" value="True"/>
    If add this line into web.config <appSettings>
    the custom provider can read session .
    But the upload request also go though the ASP.NET pipeline,  and the uploader would stop works if any http module has incompatible code.
  •  02-17-2009, 7:28 AM 48905 in reply to 48893

    Re: I am trying to use System.Web.HttpContext in CuteWebUI.UploaderProvider but session comes back null. How can I get session to not be null

    Thanks, we will download and test today. I appreciate the prompt response.
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