Text justification problem

Last post 09-03-2005, 1:52 PM by w3bm3ntors. 2 replies.
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  •  06-28-2005, 10:15 PM 8133

    Text justification problem

    Text inserted into the editor gets grouped into blocks and i can only set alignment for an entire "block" at a time. I can't duplicate this in your editor, but there's no way to set it up with an initial text so I don't think that necessarily means I can't reproduce it. It seems to have something to do with grouping by <P> tags. Can you suggest any quick fixes for this?

  •  09-03-2005, 1:22 PM 10128 in reply to 8133

    Re: Text justification problem

    I have this same issue.  I've deleted everything from the text box and then entered three lines of text (using a CR to start a new line.)  I then tried to create a list and alternatively right justify only the second line, but it takes the entire three lines.
    I, too, cannot seem to get this to replicate on your demo, but it is definitely happening in my instance.
    Thoughts?  Suggestions?
  •  09-03-2005, 1:52 PM 10129 in reply to 10128

    Re: Text justification problem

    OK, I was able to replicate it on your demo.  First, enter three lines of text, say:
    List Element 1
    List Element 2
    List Element 3
    Then make the second element a bullet.  No problem right? 

    Now select Clean Up HTML and split the elements up again into three lines again using carriage returns.  When you try to make the second element a bullet again the make one large bullet grouping all three elements under the same bullet.  From this point on, every bullet, justification and indent modification treats all three lines as one group.
    Hope this helps debugging.
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