FileUploaded event not firing

Last post 11-24-2014, 12:07 PM by swabygw. 3 replies.
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  •  11-22-2014, 9:56 PM 80464

    FileUploaded event not firing

    Hi, Kennth:


    I have a new issue with the Ajax Uploader that seems to have begun after not using it for a few months.  For some reason, after the file is selected and uploaded, the file shows up in the temp directory as a persisted file object with extension ".resx", but the FileUploaded event (which will copy the file to a new location) doesn't fire afterwards.  Not sure why this isn't working anymore when the code hasn't really changed - I'm wondering if I'm missing another object, such as Ajax-related objects, or license is expired or something (I originally downloaded it in July 2014).  My implementation has:


    1.  In my first page: 

    <%@ Register TagPrefix="CuteWebUI" Namespace="CuteWebUI" Assembly="CuteWebUI.AjaxUploader" %> 


    2. Declaration and properties:

    Public upl_AjaxUploader As New CuteWebUI.Uploader

    upl_AjaxUploader.ID = "upl_AjaxUploader"

    upl_AjaxUploader.TempDirectory = "~/uploads"

    upl_AjaxUploader.InsertText = "Upload File (Max 10M)"

    upl_AjaxUploader.FileTypeNotSupportMsg = "bad file type"

    upl_AjaxUploader.FileTooLargeMsg = "file too large"

    upl_AjaxUploader.ShowProgressBar = True

    upl_AjaxUploader.ShowProgressInfo = True

    upl_AjaxUploader.InsertButtonID = "btn_Upload"

    upl_AjaxUploader.CancelButton.Visible = False

    AddHandler upl_AjaxUploader.FileUploaded, AddressOf Uploader_FileUploaded 


    3. Event handler:

    Sub Uploader_FileUploaded(sender As Object, args As CuteWebUI.UploaderEventArgs)

    response.redirect("") 'using this to test if Sub is firing

    'more code here to copy file, omitted for brevity 

    End Sub


    4. Java-script: all commented out. 


    I swear this was working before without a problem, but not anymore.  I'm wondering if there's a postback not occurring, or an Ajax-related object missing, etc.   Why do I see the persisted file in the temp directory and the FileUploaded event doesn't fire?  Any help is greatly appreciated.

  •  11-22-2014, 10:35 PM 80465 in reply to 80464

    Re: FileUploaded event not firing

    Kenneth:  the license is expired - sorry for the needless concern.  I'm going to buy a proper license, but I need advice which to obtain:  IP or Domain?  Here's how I'm going to use it:


    - one developer - me!

    - development on one machine - my laptop

    - one deployment - the web server (currently shared, eventually standalone) hosted by hosting company 

    - the web server will have a static IP and a URL domain name 

    - no redistributions

    - don't need source code


    Which one of the licenses would be appropriate - Domain or IP?


  •  11-24-2014, 8:04 AM 80467 in reply to 80465

    Re: FileUploaded event not firing

    Hi swabygw,


    If your dev environment using host name http://localhost or, then you can use the domain license for your product server and dev server both. If your dev environment has an actual domain name, then you can purchase a dev license from after you purchase the domain license, the dev license is same as the domain license, but will Cheaper than it. Also, you can use the trial license for the dev server, it valid for 30 days. And you can expand the trial from when you need it again, I will generate a new one for you.


    Your product server and dev environment is not the same server and not using the same ip address, so the ip license only work for one of them.





  •  11-24-2014, 12:07 PM 80469 in reply to 80467

    Re: FileUploaded event not firing

    It sounds like what I need is the domain license - I'll order it over this coming weekend.  Thanks
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