I am using asp.net image gallery (classic layout), I am binding Images to that gallery by folder name 'Image
Gallery' in my server. In the Gallery there is a gallery browser for uploading new files. In that there is also an option
"New Category" for creating categories, Now I created 3 categories with names like as Pages, Emails, Banners..
My requirement is that when the user gives right click on those categories one menu is displaying with menu items
as Open, Add Comment, Edit etc. Now I want to disable the right click for 2 categories (Pages, Emails only) of total 3
categories. I mean that for particular selected categories I want to remove the right click functionality. But the user
can upload images into those categories, but he can't able to add comments or rename the category like that..
How can I achieve this. Please try to give quick reply.
Thanks in advance..