Manual Upload Start - Upload Seems To Begin But Page Refreshes And Nothing Occurs

Last post 01-28-2011, 9:31 PM by Kenneth. 1 replies.
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  •  01-28-2011, 3:40 PM 65941

    Manual Upload Start - Upload Seems To Begin But Page Refreshes And Nothing Occurs

    I have a client who is attempting to use the Ajax Uploader control to submit a file to our website.  However, when they click the "Upload" button to initiate the upload operation the progress bar appears and then disappears as the page seems to refresh.  I had him e-mail me the file he were attempting to submit and I was able to use the upload control on my end without issue.  Also, I remoted to their machine and verified that this was indeed the issue that was occurring.  What could be the possible cause of this issue as I'm not showing anything in the web server logs or error notifications?  It appears that the process may be being blocked possibly on their end but I'm not sure.  Is there anything else I could ask them to check?
    The client's OS is Windows 7 and is using IE 8.  
    Thank you very much.
  •  01-28-2011, 9:31 PM 65944 in reply to 65941

    Re: Manual Upload Start - Upload Seems To Begin But Page Refreshes And Nothing Occurs

    Hi nunndaddy,
    Does your client get the same issue on our demo below?

    QueryString "UploaderDebug=1" will open the debug mode, and you can see the debug info at top-right.
    Please show me the info if your client get the same issue on that page.
    And please let your client disable all antivirus, firewall and pugins(google toolbar Etc.) of the browser except silverlight/flash to try again.
    Keep me posted.
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