Hello. I am facing a production-critical problem where, if I hit enter inside of a paragraph, it does not close the paragraph and begin a new one. Instead, it merges all succeeding paragraphs together and prepends the remaining text inside the paragraph where I hit enter to this new combined paragraph. For example:
<p>Line One.</p>
<p>Line Two.</p>
<p>Line Three.</p>
<p>Line Four.</p>
<p>Line Five.</p>
<p>Line One.</p>
<p>Line Two.</p>
<p>Line </p>
<p>Three.Line Four.Line Five.</p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
Instead of:
<p>Line One.</p>
<p>Line Two.</p>
<p>Line Four.</p>
<p>Line Five.</p>
Any ideas? We were about to push this to production when found this bug and are now facing serious customer pressure to resolve this issue.