Issue with saving ID or name attribute for select type controls

Last post 03-15-2006, 9:48 AM by AMarino. 3 replies.
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  •  11-08-2005, 3:29 PM 12402

    Issue with saving ID or name attribute for select type controls

    iI am trying to retrieve the ID or name of the controls dragged and dropped into the editor by loading the html into a xml document and then searching for select and input elements. I notice that input elements have name and id tags saved into the html whereas those fields are not saved for select elements (drop down list etc). Looking through the controls collection of the editor doesnt work either, I need urgent help with this since I am evaluating this package for purchase and this could be a show stopper.
    Please respond soon, you can email me at
  •  11-08-2005, 6:20 PM 12410 in reply to 12402

    Re: Issue with saving ID or name attribute for select type controls

    I am little confused here.

    >>I am trying to retrieve the ID or name of the controls dragged and dropped into the editor by loading the html into a xml >>document and then searching for select and input elements.

    Can you explain more details about what you are trying to do?

    I willl response as soon as possible.

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  •  03-08-2006, 12:03 PM 16854 in reply to 12410

    Re: Issue with saving ID or name attribute for select type controls

    It means that the name attribute in the properties window isnt sticking when I save the html. So if I type something other than textbox1 in the name field (when I right click the control and click properties), it doesnt get saved. It just reverts to the original value which is something like textbox1 or radiobox1. DO you have any idea where the problem might be since I have the source code version 5.0. I see that it has been fixed in version 5.2 but I cant upgrade to that version. Also, how difficult is it to add a custom attribute like say, short name, to the properties window for radio boxes, checkboxes, drop downs, list boxes and text boxes? what places do I need to change the code in to make it work and save to the html. thanks for all your help/.
  •  03-15-2006, 9:48 AM 17237 in reply to 16854

    Re: Issue with saving ID or name attribute for select type controls

    I have upgraded to version 5.2, now I cant blank out the name attribute. Why is there a change that will allow me to save a null? Specifically, the first time around I can save a null. My code validates that nulls are not present and prevents saving the name attribute. Once the user saves a not null name, then I cant null it back, basically I post back and the last saved not null value of name attribute is in the text property of the editor.
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