Paste from Word - Firefox3

Last post 06-09-2009, 11:23 AM by Drens09. 2 replies.
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  •  06-09-2009, 10:18 AM 52889

    Paste from Word - Firefox3

    I am trying to answer some client queries about Cute Editor functionality.
    I was not part of the team that implemented this, so I am unsure of some details. From what I can see the version being used is 6.0 ( from the line  <!-- CuteEditor Version 6.0 Editor1 Begin --> )
    The issue I am looking into is that using the paste from word option in Firefox 3 includes a large amount of markup which pasting via IE7 does not.
    I tested this on the Demo page and it works fine - is this a problem with the version we are using?
    Another problem I encountered was that with IE6 some buttons did not (apparently) work consistently - is this due to MS patches released for IE6, or is there a setting that resolves these issues?
    Any help would be much appreciated.
  •  06-09-2009, 10:56 AM 52891 in reply to 52889

    Re: Paste from Word - Firefox3

    The online demo is running version 6.4.
    Please upgrade to this new version. The download link of version 6.4 is same as 6.0. Chat
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  •  06-09-2009, 11:23 AM 52895 in reply to 52891

    Re: Paste from Word - Firefox3

    Thanks for the prompt reply.
    Is upgrading guaranteed to resolve the problem? Its not just as simple as upgrading (as I am sure you can understand) as this requires a new version release.
    I therefore need to know if this was a known issue in 6.0 and will be resolved in 6.4.
    Also, as per the original post, are there any known issues with IE6?
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