Inserting a style applies extra tags

Last post 02-13-2009, 4:22 PM by Adam. 1 replies.
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  •  02-11-2009, 5:09 PM 48644

    Inserting a style applies extra tags

    Hi, i'm not sure if this is possible but I have to ask as it's something that we need to address for two projects we are working on.
    If a person were to put down some text and then apply a CSS Style from the drop menu, rather than inserting the style on the containing tag, it wraps the content in span tag and then applies the style.
    Is there a way to make it not put the span tags in and instead use whatever containing element the highlighted item is in?
    The reason I'm wondering is that if a person wanted to apply a style with a background color to a header and have the color fill the screen left to right, this current setup where it inserts a span of course does not work and requires excess spacing to be put in to make it display correctly.
    Text before it's styled
    <p>Some text</p>
    Result of applying a style from the drop menu
    <p><span style="properties">Some text</span></p>
    Desired result
    <p style="properties">Some text</p>
  •  02-13-2009, 4:22 PM 48772 in reply to 48644

    Re: Inserting a style applies extra tags

    Result of applying a style from the drop menu
    <p><span style="properties">Some text</span></p>
    Your selection doesn't include paragraph tag. It contains the text only.
    Desired result
    <p style="properties">Some text</p>
    Your selection includes the paragraph tag, the style will be applied to the paragraph. Chat
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