Editor.Setting["security:FilesGalleryPath"] is always null

Last post 02-12-2008, 5:23 AM by Adam. 2 replies.
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  •  02-09-2008, 1:45 PM 36913

    Editor.Setting["security:FilesGalleryPath"] is always null

    Cute Editor 6.0
    I've been trying to get the values of the security config, but all items are always null. When I review Editor.Setting.AllKeys, the count is always 0. Now, I know the file is being processed (/Security/Default.config) because I can change the ImageGalleryPath and the editor picks up on it. Am I missing the totally obvious here?
    My understanding is this IS the way to get security configuration information. Correct?
    My setup is the standard setup outlined in the implementation documents for ASP.NET 2.0.

  •  02-10-2008, 7:41 PM 36933 in reply to 36913

    Re: Editor.Setting["security:FilesGalleryPath"] is always null

    And yes, I have reviewed all of the other posts regarding similar issues. None of the past recommendations seem to work.
  •  02-12-2008, 5:23 AM 36968 in reply to 36913

    Re: Editor.Setting["security:FilesGalleryPath"] is always null

    >>My understanding is this IS the way to get security configuration information. Correct?
    Please use the following method:


     CuteEditor.Impl.EditorProvider provider;
     CuteEditor.Impl.SecuritySetting secset;

      secset = provider.LoadSecurity();

    SecuritySetting hase the following public properties:

     public string filenamePattern = @"^[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+$";
      public bool RestrictUploadedImageDimension;
      public bool OverWriteExistingUploadedFile;
      public bool AutoResizeUploadedImages;
      public bool UseTimeStampRenameUploadedFiles;
      public int MaxImageWidth=640;
      public int MaxImageHeight=480;
      public int MaxImageSize=100;
      public int MaxMediaSize=100;
      public int MaxFlashSize=100;
      public int MaxDocumentSize=100;
      public int MaxTemplateSize=100;
      public long MaxImageFolderSize=102400;
      public long MaxMediaFolderSize=102400;
      public long MaxFlashFolderSize=102400;
      public long MaxDocumentFolderSize=102400;
      public long MaxTemplateFolderSize=102400;
      public string ImageGalleryPath="~/Uploads";
      public string MediaGalleryPath="~/Uploads";
      public string TemplateGalleryPath="~/templates";
      public string FlashGalleryPath="~/Uploads";
      public string FilesGalleryPath="~/Uploads";
      public string FileNamePrefix="";

      public int ThumbnailWidth=80;
      public int ThumbnailHeight=80;
      public int ThumbnailColumns=5;
      public int ThumbnailRows=3;
      public bool AllowUpload=true;
      public bool AllowRename=true;
      public bool AllowDelete=true;
      public bool AllowModify=true;
      public bool AllowCreateFolder=true;
      public bool AllowDeleteFolder=true;
      public bool AllowMove=true;
      public bool AllowCopy=true;

      public ArrayList ImageFilters=new ArrayList();
      public ArrayList MediaFilters=new ArrayList();
      public ArrayList DocumentFilters=new ArrayList();
      public ArrayList TemplateFilters=new ArrayList();
    Hope it helps.

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