Javascript error Chat_OpenMessenger is not defined occurs if I try to move file chat.aspx to a sub-folder

Last post 07-24-2007, 5:31 AM by kwilkens. 1 replies.
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  •  07-23-2007, 5:20 PM 31816

    Javascript error Chat_OpenMessenger is not defined occurs if I try to move file chat.aspx to a sub-folder


    I am using .net 2.0 membership and the integration was a breeze - as long as my files were all in the root. I want to run chat within a folder so I can apply security - however, Once I move the chat.aspx file down a folder, I get the javascript error noted above. Are there web.config app settings or something else I need to tweak in order to make this work? My documentation help file is broken.

    To back up further, I am using cutesoft's sample, titled CuteChat3forPersonalWebSiteStarterKit as a starting point - and again, I have this configured correctly as long as the chat.aspx and cutesoft_client files/folders exist in the root. Please advise and thank you!

  •  07-24-2007, 5:31 AM 31819 in reply to 31816

    Re: Javascript error Chat_OpenMessenger is not defined occurs if I try to move file chat.aspx to a sub-folder

    Nevermind I figured out the problem. Sorry to bother.
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