I have a WebBrowser control on a C# form and pass a URL to the page below. The page is the same as your documentation except for the the Embed_LocationID=3. I have 3 working standing alone.
Different Embed mode users can see and interact with each other but the user doesn't show up in the Operators form.
What am I missing?
Can I pass other information in embed mode, such as user name, user's company and product?
Can the Chat form be configured to run in a much smaller window? ( ie 20 X 20 points)
<%@ Page Language="C#" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="CuteChat" TagName="EmbedChannel" src="cutesoft_client/cutechat/embedchannel.ascx" %>
<head runat=server>
<title>Embed CuteChat </title>
<CuteChat:EmbedChannel id="EmbedMessenger1" runat="server"></CuteChat:EmbedChannel>