capturing clicks on client side

Last post 03-17-2007, 12:24 PM by ziv. 1 replies.
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  •  03-17-2007, 11:12 AM 27476

    capturing clicks on client side

    is there a way i can capture the "increase/decrease" editor size (+/-) on client side ?
    i'd like to run a javascript function onclick.
    can u direct me to a code example where i can capture the save button on client side - i see the examples in this site of this feature but not the code itself.
    is there any way i can capture any button-click (costumed or not) on client side ?
  •  03-17-2007, 12:24 PM 27477 in reply to 27476

    Re: capturing clicks on client side

    Do not bother, i have found my answeres:
    server side:
    Editor1.Attributes["oncommand"] = "HandleEditorCommand(this)";
    and on client side:

    function HandleEditorCommand(editor)



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