Paste From Word Part II... Please Help

Last post 11-05-2004, 12:16 PM by gbartlett. 2 replies.
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  •  11-04-2004, 4:35 PM 2312

    Paste From Word Part II... Please Help

    The issue I'm having when trying to paste from Word involves apostrophes and elipses.  For some reason these characters are not showing up.
    After I initally paste the content it appears correctly, until I hit update.
    I even tried copying directly from a text document, same problem occured.
    I noticed though if I edit the HTML directly I can add the characters.  But this is not an option, as the amount of content that is being entered is far too great.
    Please advise.  (The excerpt below from another post did not solve the issue [clean code option]).
    "When you copy from the word, the html content in clipboard is quite messy and a bit bigger.
    When you paste this content to the editor,  If you choose clean the code function , we will clean the content for you. The content will be cleaned as the standard HTML code. But you may lose some formatting.

    If you don’t want to lose your word formatting, please choose not clean your code.


    Hope it helps."

  •  11-05-2004, 11:53 AM 2320 in reply to 2312

    Re: Paste From Word Part II... Please Help

    Microsoft Word uses an auto format that changes regular quotation marks ("), apostrophes ('), and ellipses (...) into something called smart quotes
    These characters are not ASCII, however, and many computers do not know what they are when faced with them.
    To correct this problem, you need to change a setting in your word processor to make it not replace straight quotes with smart quotes. 
    In Microsoft Word this can be done by choosing "AutoFormat" from the "Format" menu, choosing "Options", and removing the check in the box next to "Change straight quotes to smart quotes". 
    Hope it helps.
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  •  11-05-2004, 12:16 PM 2321 in reply to 2320

    Re: Paste From Word Part II... Please Help

    Thank you! That fixed the problem completely. Adam, YOU ROCK! I can't wait for the new version. Hopefully it'll be out soon! Was the Word formatting issue addressed in the new version? Thanks again, George
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