Referencing Cute Editor

Last post 04-06-2006, 1:49 AM by ThePatriot. 2 replies.
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  •  04-06-2006, 12:18 AM 17931

    Referencing Cute Editor

    Error Type:
    Microsoft VBScript compilation (0x800A03EA)
    Syntax error
    /project/directory/directory/CuteEditor_Files/include_CuteEditor.asp, line 2
    Class CuteEditor

    i am trying to refernce the cute editor from the root of my project, into a page that is several directorys in to the project and i receive this error. any ideas whats causing it?
  •  04-06-2006, 1:01 AM 17932 in reply to 17931

    Re: Referencing Cute Editor

    I figured it out, the include file must be in the base of the pages calling other pages.e.g i use include files from a base default.asp page. the include must be put in the very base level asp page.
    looks like im in this one by my self at the moment, i guess its to much to ask for support 5.30am in the morning. Man us australian developers work hard!!!!!!
    i do hav a new problem now though,
    Failed to load the language text from the XML file?
    whats the go?
  •  04-06-2006, 1:49 AM 17934 in reply to 17932

    Re: Referencing Cute Editor

    once again sometimes we are our own worst enemys, due to incompitant programming, on my behalf it is my fault why i was getting this error.
    the answer lies in setting the editor.FilesPath correctly.
    a good way to test is to map the file path you are trying to set and double check it is going to the right directory.
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