;;Have you inctalled the .NET framework on your localhost?
yes the framework is installed. I am very sure I would experience different behaviours if I had not, am I correct?
;;;If not, you can't use the NetSpell.
It was working fine with version 4.0 - I am ware of this and have been a user of your NetSpell tool in your previous version
My file structure is exaclty the same as it was in my previously working version. I suspect different behaviours would also be experienced if the bin dir was:
a..in the wrong spot
b..did not contain the NetSpell.SpellChecker.dll and dictionary txt files (en-AU.dic - however they are all in there)
It does and is. I now have a bin dir (containing the files mentioned above) at the root of the web site (dir called 'NavSysCom5') and located at the 'NavSysCom5\CuteEditor_Files' level
Your cute files have been deplyed as follows:
Thank you for your time. I look forward to your reply
Wind is your friend