Compatability Between Version 4.0 to 5.1

Last post 04-05-2006, 7:45 PM by mat41. 2 replies.
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  •  04-05-2006, 12:33 AM 17889

    Compatability Between Version 4.0 to 5.1

    I am in the process of moving from 4.0+ to 5.1 - It has taken me 2 hours to discover why:
    editor.Template= "spell,Bold,Italic..."
    fails in version 5.1
    Thanks to this post ( I now know to use:
    editor.TemplateItemList= "spell,Bold,Italic..."
    1..Why do this?  (Unlike rcroeder [see post above] i did not use includes) 
    2..Why not document this when you distribute an upgrade from 4.0+ upwards?
    This is an issue you know people are going to have.  if it is documented, why bury it...It should be front and center.
    3..What other hurdles have been created for a person upgrading from 4.0+ to 5.0+? 
    Additionally:  What has happened to the 'spell' tool property?  has this changed?  if so what to?  If not why am I not seeing the spell icon?

    Wind is your friend
  •  04-05-2006, 3:19 PM 17914 in reply to 17889

    Re: Compatability Between Version 4.0 to 5.1

    In the version 5.0, we rewrote the whole control.
    Many APIs have been changed.
    For details, please check the following links:
    However the upgrade document is lag behind. Sorry for the inconvenience.
    Whenever you have questions, please post your questions in this support forum.
    We will response as soon as possible.
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  •  04-05-2006, 7:45 PM 17924 in reply to 17914

    Re: Compatability Between Version 4.0 to 5.1

    Thank you for your reply, the links (just what i was looking for) and your time.
    ;;However the upgrade document is lag behind. Sorry for the inconvenience.
    I apreciate your frankness.  IMO you should distribute this to users who have spent more money with you to go from 4.0 to 5.1+ - Making such fundamental changes to property names shouldnt be neccessary and has caused your me to wander through the dark, unimpressed... as im sure others are
    ;;Whenever you have questions, please post your questions in this support forum.
    Exactly what are you referering to?  I was under the impression this was the support forum - confused...
    Thank you for your time

    Wind is your friend
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