Validation message that comes on maxCharLength property

Last post 03-24-2006, 3:33 PM by Adam. 1 replies.
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  •  03-24-2006, 8:29 AM 17554

    Validation message that comes on maxCharLength property

    Adam; we have a DNN Newsletter module that is available to users to type text into and add photos. We've set the maxCharLength property to 2000 and when a user has entered the maxChars allowed and then adds a photo, we get the validation message [maxCharLength].

    Our scenario is we need to keep the IEClientScriptMode = HTC, always only in Preview mode. We have also set ReadOnly to true and Enabled property to false. 

    We just want to use the cute-editor for read only mode with the preview as the display mode, but we do not want the editor to perform the validation for us on the char count, we want to handle that ourself. 

    How can we do this?

  •  03-24-2006, 3:33 PM 17573 in reply to 17554

    Re: Validation message that comes on maxCharLength property

    Which version are you using??

    Editor.IEClientScriptMode Property and maxCharLength property are obsolete in the version 4.x and 5.x.
     4.x and 5.x have the following properties instead:

    Editor.MaxHTMLLength Property

    Gets or sets the maximum number of characters including the HTML tags allowed in the Cute Editor. Default is zero, indicating no maximum.

    Editor.MaxTextLength Property

    Gets or sets the maximum number of characters excluding the HTML tags allowed in the Cute Editor. Default is zero, indicating no maximum.
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