firefox problems

Last post 03-11-2006, 12:37 AM by selliott. 4 replies.
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  •  01-25-2006, 8:16 AM 15087

    firefox problems

    1. when user changes skin under firefox in cute chat it disconnects and then reconnects the user. Under IE this does not happen.
    2. double click on user name to create a private chat session does not work under FF.
    3. when opening a chat in a new window and history messages are too much the scroler of history pane does not appear. the chat in the background gets bigger than the window.
    Any workarounds or fixes to these problems?
  •  01-29-2006, 12:16 AM 15271 in reply to 15087

    Re: firefox problems

    >>1. when user changes skin under firefox in cute chat it disconnects and then reconnects the user. Under IE this does not happen.
    It's a known issue. In firefox, CuteChat has to post back the server and change the skin. We will resolve this in the future version.

    >>2. double click on user name to create a private chat session does not work under FF.

    It's a known issue. We will resolve this in the future version.

    >>3. when opening a chat in a new window and history messages are too much the scroler of history pane does not appear. the chat in the background gets bigger than the window.

    We will investigate this issue and get back to you as soon as possible.

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  •  03-09-2006, 11:28 PM 16930 in reply to 15271

    Re: firefox problems

    I noticed that the window expands down past the screen (viewing area) with firefox and the chat messages fill up too.  When it's time for the scroller to pop in is when seems to act up. 
    Also, the font color pallet doesn't work for Firefox...neither does the smilies.
    When will these patches be available??
  •  03-10-2006, 6:26 PM 17009 in reply to 16930

    Re: firefox problems

    I've been playing around with this some more, and it seems like the main conversation box just isn't staying at a fixed size after it starts filling up.
  •  03-11-2006, 12:37 AM 17012 in reply to 17009

    Re: firefox problems

         I'm not really sure why it's doing this, but it seems like I was able to help the problem a little by making the overflow property of #chat_layout_message style "scroll" instead of "auto" (in the /CuteChat/CH_style.css file).  Now it doesn't seem expand the page out of view until someone types in a word that has to wrap to the next line.  Could it be one of the word wrap CSS properties causing this conflict with Firefox?
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