Have been using a domain lic for the last few months. Have not installed in GAC; adding editor files for each VD (currently running around 12 VDs successfully). Suddenly, creating VD numbers 13 & 14 with the exact same codebase as others, causes this error when attempting to edit:
A valid license cannot be granted for the type CuteEditor.Editor. Contact the manufacturer of the component for more information.
Tried copying lic file from other successfully running VDs in to new VD, to no avail. Again, all other editors in all other VDs running successfully. These two new sites run perfectly except editing.
Saw old post saying run ServerVariables["LOCAL_ADDR"] and send to you, but our domain is exactly as licensed (and will do that, but would rather not post results here)—and weirdly, you do not supply any way to email anybody on this site. Sure it's not a domain issue as again, other sites work just fine (all on the same server in same root location, BTW)