access is forbidden msg [SOLVED]

Last post 02-24-2006, 11:26 AM by JFRanger. 0 replies.
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  •  02-24-2006, 11:26 AM 16405

    access is forbidden msg [SOLVED]

    Bought the ASP version and after 5 or 10 minutes when I was opening the image gallery window the damn error  "access is forbidden" was always showing. Real nightmare!
    Start to do some searches in the forum and NOTHING, HOW TO RESOLVED was posted just some bla, bla, bla. So HERE IS WHAT TO DO TO SOLVE THIS MAJOR BUG.
    in the include_Security.asp page, just add this juvenile code :=)
       if Session("CESecurity") = "" then
          Session("CESecurity") = request.cookies("CESecurity")
          response.cookies("CESecurity") = Session("CESecurity")
       end if
    This work 100%, did a test last night, put my laptop to "standby mode" with the editor in the screen, and this morning before taking my coffee, start my laptop and "BINGO" yessssss, hourra, there is a god!!! I could opened that &?%$?%&**? window without the "access is forbidden"
    Very simple, I just put the value of Session("CESecurity") into a cookie and when the session is empty (after 5 to 10  minutes) the empty session is replaced by the cookie value!
    Now I can sleep, I was receiving between 5 to 10 emails per day for that problem!
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