Unable to upload file....HELP!

Last post 02-17-2006, 11:49 AM by obiwantcp. 1 replies.
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  •  02-17-2006, 8:32 AM 16064

    Unable to upload file....HELP!

    I have a situation where I am dynamically creating directories on my web site to allow clients to upload files.  When I create the upload directories in code using System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(FileDir), I am unable to upload to the directory using CuteEditor's image upload utility.  However, when I create the directory manually, I am able to upload with no problems.  Naturally, this would indicate a directory permissions problem, but when I look at the permissions in both cases, they match exactly.
    Does anyone have any idea what might be happening here????  Thanks.
  •  02-17-2006, 11:49 AM 16079 in reply to 16064

    Re: Unable to upload file....HELP!

    Thanks to all the fantastic support at Cute Editor I have been able to learn a new trick or two with Cute Editor. I think you might want to assign the new path to your Cute Editor.
    SetSecurityGalleryPath(string path);
    or specifically...

    The documentation will give you more details about how to use these functions (do a search for SetSecurityGalleryPath). Good luck!
    Thanks to Adam at Cute Editor for pointing this out earlier today.
    Best regards,
    -- David
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