Figures that not long after I ask the question, I get it working.
If you are placing an editor on the page in a repeater list you can have a hard time finding the control on the page to get the data out.
To do that here is what you do,
Since you have a list of repeater items to go through you will need to use a for loop
Dim sEditorID as String = " This is what you called the CuteEditor on the aspx page within the repeater on the aspx page.
For iI = 0 To Me.myRepeater.Items.Count - 1
'Create a new instance of the CuteEditor object
Dim myCEItem as CuteEditor.Editor = Me.myRepeater.Items(iI).FindControl("sEditorID")
'Response test to see the HTML Code values from the editors
Response.Write("Editor: " & iI & " value: " & myCEItem.XHTML & "<BR>")
'Response test to see the text values from the editors
Response.Write("Editor: " & iI & " value: " & myCEItem.text& "<BR>")
'Now that you can retreive the data from the editors in the repeater list you can write a routine to
'pass the values to your DB or other place of storage.
I placed the above code and a few other things to handle the writing out of data to a single button click event.
This allowed me to do what I wanted, which was have a preview and submit button.
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