ASP version vs. ASP.NET version, and XHTML compliance

Last post 08-24-2005, 2:10 PM by Adam. 1 replies.
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  •  08-24-2005, 7:41 AM 9887

    ASP version vs. ASP.NET version, and XHTML compliance


    I am seriously considering using Cute Editor for ASP for all of my projects, I have however a couple of points I would like to clarify:
     - The ASP.NET version appears to have specific functionality to allow people to author content using Cute Editor that complies with the W3C Accessibility standard. This does not appear, or is at least not advertised as such, to be available in the ASP version.
     - Under features and benefits of the ASP version it lists: The ability to choose between HTML 4.01, and XHTML 1.0 output. Is this XHTML 1.0 Transitional, or XHTML 1.0 Strict.
     - I have read this forum, and seen a couple of posts to do with problems with the output to XHTML specifically with the ASP version. (Apparently the ASP.NET does this server-side, whereas in the ASP version this is done client-side). What exactly is the problem? And is an update planned to remedy the problem in the forseeable future, e.g. next 6 months?
     - Lastly, are there any other significant differences between the ASP, and ASP.NET version. Also, will the ASP version continue to be developed to the same extent as the ASP.NET version.
    Comments on any, or all of the above points will be much appreciated, thank you,
  •  08-24-2005, 2:10 PM 9893 in reply to 9887

    Re: ASP version vs. ASP.NET version, and XHTML compliance

    Hi Simon,
    Welcome to CuteSoft support forums.

    I must admit the XHTML output feature of the .net version is more powerful than the asp version. The asp version is using the client side javascript to convert the HTML to the XHTML. We will continue work on improving this feature.

    >>Lastly, are there any other significant differences between the ASP, and ASP.NET version. Also, will the ASP version continue to be developed to the same extent as the ASP.NET version.

    The ASP version is a pure script solution.  

    There are some .net features which will not be available in the ASP version, for example, AutoResizeUploadedImages, online image editor, online image gallery...
    We will continue to work on the ASP version to make it close to the .NET version.
    Hope it helps. Let me know if you have any further questions.
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