I am using Image Gallery (Classic Layout) in my Application (licensed Version). I have some couple of doubts to be clarify.
1. How many maximum number of categories We can create for one Image Gallery.?
2. After I uploaded one Image into Gallery. It will automatically creates one config file and one thumbnail file in the configuration folder.
at same time If I uploaded an image with name "sample.jpg" and second time again I uploaded same image with same name then the
image will be renamed to sampale(2).jpg, but It is not creating config file and thumbnail file for that 2 images. So If I upload two images
with same name the page which have Gallery is strucking and won't coming due to not generating thumbanaila and config file for the
iamge having same name.
3. So How I can rename the image while user uploadimg image with name already contained in that folder or category. Or I want to
restrict the user if he uploading image with name already having in that category.
How can I achieve this.. Please Let me know and try to give quick reply..