Hi.Is it posible to get the editor to giv an new P when you press enter in an cleen div? Now you get an new div.
// Kent
Hi KentM,
You can set property "EnterKeyTag" to control the enter key behavior, like below.
Can be set to "P", "BR", "DIV".
<RTE:Editor ID="editor1" runat="server" EnterKeyTag="P" />
Let me explaine better Example: editor RitchTextEditor
My config is:
Start Html:
Put cursor att end of Test and press enter givs:
Yes, I can reproduce the same problem too, I will report it to the development team to check this. Once issue is fix, I will keep you posted.
We have fixed this issue, please download the latest build at http://richtexteditor.com/download/richtexteditor.rar and try again.