Uploader hangs when launched in IE modal window

Last post 01-16-2012, 6:28 AM by Kenneth. 3 replies.
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  •  01-11-2012, 4:30 PM 72638

    Uploader hangs when launched in IE modal window

    When trying to apply the uploader in a modal window (IE) on ASP.Net MVC application with Windows Integrated Authentication, the uploader displays login dialog for credentials, and then hangs.  It is fine when it is launched in a normal window, no request for credentials and the files upload okay.
    Is there a workaround for applying this to modal windows?
    Gary Sweeten
  •  01-12-2012, 6:15 AM 72645 in reply to 72638

    Re: Uploader hangs when launched in IE modal window

    Hi GarySweeten,
    Set property UploadType to iframe, does it work?
        <CuteWebUI:UploadAttachments runat="server" ID="Uploader1" UploadType="iframe">
  •  01-13-2012, 2:16 PM 72691 in reply to 72645

    Re: Uploader hangs when launched in IE modal window

    Yea, tried your suggestion, and it fixes the issue, but with it the Multiple File Select option is not available.  Is Multiple File Select only available on the Flash type implementation?
    Gary Sweeten
  •  01-16-2012, 6:28 AM 72706 in reply to 72691

    Re: Uploader hangs when launched in IE modal window

    Hi GarySweeten,
    The multiple files select needs the flash or silverlight plug-in support. You can try the microsoft silverlight plug-in.
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