window.CuteEditorInitialize is not a function

Last post 09-23-2011, 11:42 AM by lc343765828. 6 replies.
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  •  09-22-2011, 5:41 AM 70138

    window.CuteEditorInitialize is not a function

    I use VS2010 run web is ok, and  uploaded to the Other server is ok too, but uploaded to the school's server is report errpor:window.CuteEditorInitialize is not a function
    my Version:6.6
    please help me,my english is a little bad....
  •  09-22-2011, 5:43 AM 70139 in reply to 70138

    Re: window.CuteEditorInitialize is not a function

  •  09-22-2011, 7:38 AM 70143 in reply to 70139

    Re: window.CuteEditorInitialize is not a function

    Hi lc343765828,
    Can you create a page by the code below and test on your site? Does it get the same issue?
    <%@ Page Language="C#" %>

    <%@ Register TagPrefix="CE" Namespace="CuteEditor" Assembly="CuteEditor" %>
        <form id="Form1" runat="server">
            <CE:Editor ID="Editor1" runat="server">
    Can you delete folder "CuteSoft_Client" and re-deploy it again?
    Keep me posted,
  •  09-22-2011, 7:54 AM 70144 in reply to 70143

    Re: window.CuteEditorInitialize is not a function

    Hi lc343765828,
    Can you create a page by the code below and test on your site? Does it get the same issue?
    <%@ Page Language="C#" %>

    <%@ Register TagPrefix="CE" Namespace="CuteEditor" Assembly="CuteEditor" %>
        <form id="Form1" runat="server">
            <CE:Editor ID="Editor1" runat="server">
    Can you delete folder "CuteSoft_Client" and re-deploy it again?
    Keep me posted,
    OK~~ I have created.
  •  09-22-2011, 7:58 AM 70145 in reply to 70144

    Re: window.CuteEditorInitialize is not a function

    re-deploy it ?how to re-deploy it? delete it and Upload again?
  •  09-23-2011, 7:33 AM 70172 in reply to 70145

    Re: window.CuteEditorInitialize is not a function

    Hi lc343765828,
    You lost some resources in the "CuteSoft_Client" folder. So please delete it and upload again.
  •  09-23-2011, 11:42 AM 70179 in reply to 70172

    Re: window.CuteEditorInitialize is not a function

    lost? I don't think so,because this web is  run in orther server,except school'server. Are there orther reasons?
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